Despre Spherotech


Spherotech a fost înființată în 1992 pentru fabricarea și furnizarea de microparticule uniforme pentru aplicații biomedicale și diagnostice. Sediul nostru se află la 25 de mile nord de Chicago, în Lake Forest, IL.

În calitate de furnizor global de soluții de microparticule, oamenii de știință experimentați produc latex de înaltă calitate, fluorescente, paramagnetice, feromagnetice și microparticule colorate. Portofoliul nostru de microsfere vă oferă

  • Dispersia dimensiunii particulelor specifice cerințelor dumneavoastră.
  • Chimie de suprafață funcționalizată
  • Microbele acoperite cu anticorpi, proteine ​​sau liganzi
  • Particule reticulate pentru o stabilitate mai mare a solventului organic
  • Microbele de gradul citometriei de flux pentru aliniere, calibrare, compensare, numărare și sortare

Microparticulele fabricate de Spherotech sunt utilizate pentru:

  • Imunotestul fluorescenței
  • Imunoanaliza enzimatică (EIA)
  • Microscopie fluorescentă
  • Microscopie fluorescentă confocală
  • Citometrie de flux / citometrie de imagine
  • Separarea celulelor magnetice
  • Particule magnetice EIA
  • Microfluidică
  • Alte aplicații de cercetare și industriale.

Spherotech este specializată în cercetarea și dezvoltarea microparticulelor. Introducem constant produse noi și îmbunătățim portofoliul existent. Clienții noștri fideli apreciază capacitățile de producție agile ale Spherotech, soluțiile personalizate OEM de particule și opțiunile de aprovizionare cu valoare adăugată. Facilitățile noastre de producție pot găzdui dimensiuni de loturi de mai mulți litri din întreaga noastră ofertă de microsferă.

Deși publicăm o prezentare generală a produselor noastre, nu este în niciun caz cuprinzătoare. Dacă particula de care aveți nevoie nu este listată, vă îndemnăm să contactați echipa noastră pentru a verifica inventarul nostru complet.

Calitatea de clasă mondială și suportul tehnic sunt practici standard. În calitate de companie înregistrată ISO 9001: 2008, îndeplinim sau depășim în mod constant așteptările clienților. Oamenii de știință Spherotech așteaptă cu nerăbdare să îndeplinească cerințele specifice aplicației dvs. în tehnologia microparticulelor.

Fluorescent Particle Kit

FA-2552-6K 6x1 mL
EUR 554.4
Description: Please reffer to the technical data sheet for more detail information for this item. Our dedicated team would be happy to assist you via live chat, email or phone.

Fluorescent Particle Kit

FA-3558-6K 6x1 mL
EUR 554.4
Description: Please reffer to the technical data sheet for more detail information for this item. Our dedicated team would be happy to assist you via live chat, email or phone.

Fluorescent Amino Magnetic Particles, Yellow, 1%w/v, 2.0-2.9µm, 2mL

FAM-2052-2 2 mL
EUR 175
Description: Please reffer to the technical data sheet for more detail information for this item. Our dedicated team would be happy to assist you via live chat, email or phone.

Fluorescent Amino Magnetic Particles, Pink, 1%w/v, 2.0-2.9µm, 2mL

FAM-2058-2 2 mL
EUR 175
Description: Please reffer to the technical data sheet for more detail information for this item. Our dedicated team would be happy to assist you via live chat, email or phone.

Fluorescent Amino Magnetic Particles, Nile Red, 1%w/v, 4.0-4.9µm, 2mL

FAM-4056-2 2 mL
EUR 185
Description: Please reffer to the technical data sheet for more detail information for this item. Our dedicated team would be happy to assist you via live chat, email or phone.

Fluorescent Alignment Particles, 1E8/mL, 3.0-3.4µm, 5mL

FAP-3056-5 5 mL
EUR 645
Description: Please reffer to the technical data sheet for more detail information for this item. Our dedicated team would be happy to assist you via live chat, email or phone.

Fluorescent Particle Kit

FB-2552-6K 6x1 mL
EUR 554.4
Description: Please reffer to the technical data sheet for more detail information for this item. Our dedicated team would be happy to assist you via live chat, email or phone.

Fluorescent Particle Kit

FB-3558-6K 6x1 mL
EUR 554.4
Description: Please reffer to the technical data sheet for more detail information for this item. Our dedicated team would be happy to assist you via live chat, email or phone.

Fluorescent Carboxyl Superparamagnetic Particles

FCM-02552--2H 2mL
EUR 339.6
Description: Fluorescent Carboxyl Magnetic Particles are prepared by coating a layer of magnetite and polystyrene onto monodispersed (i.e.. uniform sized) polystyrene core particles. The magnetic particles can be easily separated from a suspension magnetically. These particles become non magnetic when removed from a magnet, and do not retain any detectable magnetism even after repeated exposure to strong magnetic field.Are of research that those particles had been tested are cell separation, affinity purification, DNA probe assays, magnetic particle EIA. For more infomation please don't hesiate to contact our technical team.

Fluorescent Carboxyl Superparamagnetic Particles, High Iron, Yellow, 0.1%w/v, 0.1-0.39µm, 2mL

FCM-02552-2H 2mL
EUR 245

Fluorescent Carboxyl Magnetic Particles, , Nile Red, 1%w/v, 0.2-0.39µm, 2mL

FCM-02556-2 2 mL
EUR 185
Description: Fluorescent Carboxyl Magnetic Particles are prepared by coating a layer of magnetite and polystyrene onto monodispersed (i.e.. uniform sized) polystyrene core particles. The magnetic particles can be easily separated from a suspension magnetically. These particles become non magnetic when removed from a magnet, and do not retain any detectable magnetism even after repeated exposure to strong magnetic field.Are of research that those particles had been tested are cell separation, affinity purification, DNA probe assays, magnetic particle EIA. For more infomation please don't hesiate to contact our technical team.

Fluorescent Carboxyl Magnetic Particles

FCM-02558--2H 2mL
EUR 339.6
Description: Fluorescent Carboxyl Magnetic Particles are prepared by coating a layer of magnetite and polystyrene onto monodispersed (i.e.. uniform sized) polystyrene core particles. The magnetic particles can be easily separated from a suspension magnetically. These particles become non magnetic when removed from a magnet, and do not retain any detectable magnetism even after repeated exposure to strong magnetic field.Are of research that those particles had been tested are cell separation, affinity purification, DNA probe assays, magnetic particle EIA. For more infomation please don't hesiate to contact our technical team.

Fluorescent Carboxyl Magnetic Particles, High Iron, Pink, 0.1%w/v,0.2-0.39µm, 2mL

FCM-02558-2H 2mL
EUR 245

Fluorescent Carboxyl Magnetic Particles, High Iron, Yellow, 0.5%w/v,0.4-0.69µm, 2mL

FCM-0552-2H 2mL
EUR 210
Description: Fluorescent Carboxyl Magnetic Particles are prepared by coating a layer of magnetite and polystyrene onto monodispersed (i.e.. uniform sized) polystyrene core particles. The magnetic particles can be easily separated from a suspension magnetically. These particles become non magnetic when removed from a magnet, and do not retain any detectable magnetism even after repeated exposure to strong magnetic field.Are of research that those particles had been tested are cell separation, affinity purification, DNA probe assays, magnetic particle EIA. For more infomation please don't hesiate to contact our technical team.

Fluorescent Carboxyl Magnetic Particles, , Nile Red, 1%w/v, 0.4-0.69µm, 2mL

FCM-0556-2 2 mL
EUR 185
Description: Fluorescent Carboxyl Magnetic Particles are prepared by coating a layer of magnetite and polystyrene onto monodispersed (i.e.. uniform sized) polystyrene core particles. The magnetic particles can be easily separated from a suspension magnetically. These particles become non magnetic when removed from a magnet, and do not retain any detectable magnetism even after repeated exposure to strong magnetic field.Are of research that those particles had been tested are cell separation, affinity purification, DNA probe assays, magnetic particle EIA. For more infomation please don't hesiate to contact our technical team.

Fluorescent Carboxyl Magnetic Particles, High Iron, Pink, 0.1%w/v,0.4-0.69µm, 2mL

FCM-0558-2H 2mL
EUR 205
Description: Fluorescent Carboxyl Magnetic Particles are prepared by coating a layer of magnetite and polystyrene onto monodispersed (i.e.. uniform sized) polystyrene core particles. The magnetic particles can be easily separated from a suspension magnetically. These particles become non magnetic when removed from a magnet, and do not retain any detectable magnetism even after repeated exposure to strong magnetic field.Are of research that those particles had been tested are cell separation, affinity purification, DNA probe assays, magnetic particle EIA. For more infomation please don't hesiate to contact our technical team.

Fluorescent Carboxyl Magnetic Particles, Yellow, 1%w/v, 0.7-0.9µm, 2mL

FCM-0852-2 2 mL
EUR 185
Description: Fluorescent Carboxyl Magnetic Particles are prepared by coating a layer of magnetite and polystyrene onto monodispersed (i.e.. uniform sized) polystyrene core particles. The magnetic particles can be easily separated from a suspension magnetically. These particles become non magnetic when removed from a magnet, and do not retain any detectable magnetism even after repeated exposure to strong magnetic field.Are of research that those particles had been tested are cell separation, affinity purification, DNA probe assays, magnetic particle EIA. For more infomation please don't hesiate to contact our technical team.

Fluorescent Carboxyl Magnetic Particles, Nile Red, 1%w/v, 0.7-0.9µm, 2mL

FCM-0856-2 2 mL
EUR 185
Description: Fluorescent Carboxyl Magnetic Particles are prepared by coating a layer of magnetite and polystyrene onto monodispersed (i.e.. uniform sized) polystyrene core particles. The magnetic particles can be easily separated from a suspension magnetically. These particles become non magnetic when removed from a magnet, and do not retain any detectable magnetism even after repeated exposure to strong magnetic field.Are of research that those particles had been tested are cell separation, affinity purification, DNA probe assays, magnetic particle EIA. For more infomation please don't hesiate to contact our technical team.

Fluorescent Carboxyl Magnetic Particles

FCM-100052--2 2 mL
EUR 396
Description: Fluorescent Carboxyl Magnetic Particles are prepared by coating a layer of magnetite and polystyrene onto monodispersed (i.e.. uniform sized) polystyrene core particles. The magnetic particles can be easily separated from a suspension magnetically. These particles become non magnetic when removed from a magnet, and do not retain any detectable magnetism even after repeated exposure to strong magnetic field.Are of research that those particles had been tested are cell separation, affinity purification, DNA probe assays, magnetic particle EIA. For more infomation please don't hesiate to contact our technical team.

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